
Server Information
Hostname Can I have your ARMOR
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 0 / 100
Location United States of America
Version 1.20.50
Registered by LORDLIAM88
Registered since March 30th, 2022 06:33 PM EST
Last update March 31st, 2022 09:11 PM EST
Tag(s) PvE PvP Raiding Survival Vanilla

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 452
Score 6
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

This is a Minecraft Bedrock Edition anarchy server that has absolutely no rules. In here, you can do whatever you want: hacking, griefing, building, killing, PVP, survival, duping, exploiting bugs in the server, spamming, crashing the server, blowing up the spawn, whatever you can think of.

This server is completely different from other anarchy servers because in this server, there are no limit to what you can do, any exploits and dupe glitches will not be intentionally patched, which means if you found something, you are free to use it however you want.

This is not a traditional anarchy server like 2b2tmcpe, or ConstantiumPe, in this server, you are always in for a surprise!

If you love anarchy servers, come play with us, join our discord server, vote for us, and enjoy the server!