PocketMine-MP Alpha_1.4dev is Available
Posted on June 6th, 2014 04:53 AM EST
PocketMine-MP Alpha 1.4dev is available and introduces a new API. It will allow you to do more things, faster, and a lot more stable.
Important changes
Attention, PocketMine-MP Alpha 1.4 is still in a development stage and there are lots of bugs.
Source : http://forums.pocketmine.net/threads/pocketmine-mp-alpha_1-4dev-is-available-for-testing.3660/
RSS Feed
Important changes
- New API, more documented, with less weird behaviors
- Entity physics
- Infinite worlds (you won't be able to see them before 0.9.0)
- Better usage of resources, more threading
- New library for networking, RakLib
- New class/namespace structure
- And more things! (we still have to implement them!)
Attention, PocketMine-MP Alpha 1.4 is still in a development stage and there are lots of bugs.
Source : http://forums.pocketmine.net/threads/pocketmine-mp-alpha_1-4dev-is-available-for-testing.3660/