MCPE 0.9.2 is Available
Posted on July 15th, 2014 03:55 PM EST
Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.9.2 is available for Android and iOS.
This version is primarily a bug fix update for all iOS and Android devices. All Fixes and Tweaks for 0.9.1 on iOS is on this version due to 0.9.1 wasn't released on the Appstore.
For the moment there is no server running on version 0.9.2. We will update this post as soon as servers are available.
Source :
RSS Feed
This version is primarily a bug fix update for all iOS and Android devices. All Fixes and Tweaks for 0.9.1 on iOS is on this version due to 0.9.1 wasn't released on the Appstore.
For the moment there is no server running on version 0.9.2. We will update this post as soon as servers are available.
- Increased the health of all mobs to PC values
- The game spawns way less mobs, and despawns older hostile mobs
- Added villager sounds to iOS.
- Mycelium spreads correctly
- Updated Mojang Logo
- Creepers now have a correct explosion range
- Spiders now can not draw a line of sight
- Makes Strongholds a little more common
- Reduced lag and RAM consumption
- Older Devices get a warning when trying to create an infinite world
- Monsters Spawners now works better and if less lag
- Fixed generating chunks when a stronghold has been found
- Fixed rainbow grass
- Bugs in mobs and textures
- Crashes in chunks renderization
- Peaceful mode is bugged (Monsters will still spawn and can be also spawned without disappearing).
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