StormyLand Survival SMP

StormyLand Survival SMP
Server Information
Hostname StormyLand Survival S9
Status Checked 9 minutes ago
Players 0 / 35
Location United States of America
Version 1.21.70
Registered by MC_Storm
Registered since November 25th, 2020 12:49 PM EST
Last update February 25th, 2023 01:08 PM EST
Tag(s) Auth Survival Vanilla Whitelist

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 497
Score 6
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 1

About This Server

NOTE: This is a Whitelisted Server, you need to join the StormyLand Discord, and either message me or submit your Gamertag by filling out this form:

StormyLand Survival is a casual SMP server for everyone of all ages, whether you just want to play with friends, or create content, feel free to build, and explore, this is a 100% Survival Server, no cheats are used and everything that was built was made in vanilla survival mode.

This SMP operates in Seasons, we are currently on Season 6

Some basic rules

No Griefing
No Stealing, includes shops
No Cheating, includes duplicating items
No Hacking, hacked clients of any kind are not aloud
No Killing for no reason, or being anoying in general
Please keep swearing to a minimum

When you join the world you will spawn as a visitor, in order to become member you must fill out the registration and comply that you will follow these rules, failure to follow the rules will result in a permanent ban from StormyLand Survival.

If you play on a console, you can add "StormyLand S" as a friend on Xbox live and the server will show up under "Joinable Friends"

Subdomain Provided by FreeDNS(

Other Servers

Rank Server Players Status Tags
0 / 35 Adventure Auth Cross-Play Raiding Survival Vanilla Xbox Account