
Server Information
Hostname 24/7 Survival
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 15 / 64
Location United States of America
Version 1.21.70
Registered by liamlegend
Registered since March 31st, 2021 11:06 AM EST
Last update April 18th, 2022 05:49 PM EST
Tag(s) Auth Economy PvE Survival VoteReward

Discord Server

Vote(s) 26
Rank 231
Score 46
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 1

About This Server

InstaCraft is a survival PvE server that takes Minecraft back to its basics: the nostalgic vanilla Minecraft experience, and quality of life improvements. Whether you explore the world yourself or band together with friends, the choice is yours on InstaCraft!

We started InstaCraft(3/3/2020) because we wanted a fun community based public server with as little restrictions as possible while still fostering a non-toxic environment
✔️Active Economy: You are able to make Player Shops and by and sell on the Auction House without the worry of getting stolen or griefed from.
✔️Quality of Life Features: Vanilla gameplay doesn't mean having no features! We have /dback, Multiplayer sleep, Silk Spawners, and more!
✔️Minimal Plugins (Do /plugins)
✔️Active Community Discord
✔️Non-restrictive Gameplay: InstaCraft bans unproductive things, such as cheating or griefing, but we allow you to generally play how you want to play so long as you aren't being toxic. Unlike most servers, we have no land-claim system(make a report when you're griefed, and staff will ban/roll back the damage)

From Casual Minecrafters to Minecrafters who try to find the technical limitations of Minecraft, Instacraft is made for you! We would love to have any player join us who will be a positive contribution to the community