
Server Information
Address play.fairnsquaremc.com:19132
Hostname NoMercyMC SURVIVAL ↔ [ ѕᴇᴀѕᴏɴ ɪᴠ ]
Status Checked 25 minutes ago / Online 28 days ago
Players 0 / 1000
Location United States of America
Version 1.21.0
Website http://www.fairnsquaremc.com
Registered by fairnsquaremc
Registered since January 5th, 2022 02:52 AM EST
Last update January 5th, 2022 02:52 AM EST
Tag(s) PvP Survival Vanilla

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 1139
Score 0
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Fair n' Square is a 1.18 semi-vanilla survival server, featuring all the basics of survival experience with minor QoL additions. Start off with nothing but your thirst for blood, explore the vast wild and build to your heart's content.
Trust and forge new friendships or take fellow survivors down solo, the choice is up to you. Nothing's off limits as long as you keep it Fair and Square!

New Gamemodes comming soon!