SiphonMC Lifesteal SMP

Server Information
Hostname §u[§u1.21.§u4§u] §uS§ui§up§uh§uo§un§uM§uC§u §uS§uM§uP§u §uN§uE§uTWORK §u[§u1.�
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 80 / 500
Location United States of America
Version 1.21.60
Registered by aristant
Registered since April 3rd, 2023 10:48 AM EST
Last update May 26th, 2023 12:17 PM EST
Tag(s) Cross-Play Economy LifeSteal PvE PvP Raiding SMP Survival

Discord Server

Vote(s) 37
Rank 170
Score 63
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Bedrock Server IP:
Bedrock Server Port: 19132

-Leveling system, Skilling system, Player reward system-Arenas-Lifesteal SMP-King Of The Hill at designated times a day-Casino with 14 different Casino games including Blackjack, Poker, Horse Racing and more!-NPC's,Loot crates, Ranks, Lottery, Leaderboards-Quests,Jobs,Economy,Cosmetics,Pets-Beautiful Builds-Resource world that resets every 12hours- much more.
IP: SiphonMC.comNew players joining speak to Aristant get free crate keys!!
Custom Lifesteal SMP Experience.
We are a brand new server based on an semi-vanilla experience with additional features including where you steal hearts from other players by PVPing them! If you kill someone, you receive their heart and the person you killed loses a heart.
Our players also have the same advantages in PvP, and we do not restrict you from stealing or raiding other bases.
Many custom features and unique additions to make us a unique server such as King of the Hill, Arenas, Resource worlds, etc!
Server Location: USA
PC Version: Java Edition,1.19.4