
Server Information
Hostname Varrock - RPG
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 0 / 100
Location United States of America
Version 1.21.2
Registered by AngelicMonk
Registered since April 8th, 2023 06:17 PM EST
Last update August 30th, 2023 01:40 AM EST
Tag(s) Adventure Cross-Play Economy Factions PvE Roleplay SMP Survival
Vote(s) 49
Rank 221
Score 79
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Varrock is a SMP role play server that's a Bedrock/Java crossplay. It has been designed with all player types in mind from PVPers to builders to explorers and more! Varrock is a completely free server (no RWT crates/donations, ect.) Our staff team is composed of highly responsive, friendly, professional and knowledgeable members who are always here for you!

Varrock is a highly modified server to make the experience more fun! We have a total of 90 plugins that have been hand picked and tuned to work hand in hand. Some of our key plugins are:
- Angel Chest (Never lose your items upon death again)
- Player Warps (Set teleports anywhere you want)

- MCMMO (An epic skills plugin that gives some crazy good boosts at high levels)

- Aurelium Skills (The BEST skills plugin complete with hundreds of level up boosts and leaderboards!)

- Leveled Mobs (The higher your MCMMO level, the harder the mobs get, the more they drop!)

- Grief Defender (Never worry about being griefed again! Claim your own land!)

- Elite Mobs (Seriously difficult mobs with some seriously rewarding drops)

- Better Structures (Beautiful prebuilt randomized structures with custom loot)

- Natural Disasters (Cave ins, tornados, lava geysures and almost a dozen more)

- Blep Fishing (Real fish names, weight, sell for cash and treasure)

- Better Beacons (Beacons are 1 million times better)

- Custom Drop Tables (Custom items, lootcrate keys and cash drops)

- Advanced Enchantments (200+ vanilla like enchants)

- Citizens 2.0 (with dialogue!)

- Multiverse (Many different worlds for different playstyles)

- Played Shops (Make your own shop, anywhere, and sell items to other players)

- Marketplace (Player Shop marketplace)

- Vault + Banking (In game economy and earn compound interest while playing)

- Lootcrate (Earn EPIC loot from keys dropped by mobs)

- Jobs (work 3 of 12 jobs to help you earn money)

- Guilds (A very extensive plugin that brings players together and gives some major boosts to boot)

Varrock has the legendary LAVA SURVIVAL from Minecraft Classic (95% complete and will be released soon)

Our server has a STORY mode with custom quests and items (15% completed but what has been completed is available in game)

Join us, give our server a go, you won't be disappointed.