
Server Information
Hostname RaidenMC - Skyblock
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 0 / 100
Location United States of America
Version 1.20.10
Registered by Cosmobyte
Registered since June 9th, 2023 01:30 PM EST
Last update June 10th, 2023 12:35 PM EST
Tag(s) Adventure Cross-Play Economy Skyblock
Vote(s) 0
Rank 605
Score 5
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

⭐ Join our Epic Skyblock Adventure! ⭐

Welcome to the ultimate Skyblock experience, where the boundaries of your imagination and creativity are the only limits! Whether you're a Bedrock or Java player, our server provides an immersive and thrilling journey that will keep you hooked for hours on end.

🏰 Unique Custom Features 🏰
Embark on an incredible mining journey with our exclusive custom mines, filled with rare treasures and valuable resources waiting to be discovered. Unlock the power of enchantments like never before with our meticulously crafted custom enchants, giving you the edge in battles and resource gathering.

🔮 Unleash the Power of RPG Dungeons 🔮
Delve into the depths of our RPG Dungeons, filled with treacherous challenges, fearsome bosses, and epic loot. Test your skills alongside your friends as you conquer each level, earning glorious rewards and becoming the true hero of Skyblock.

⛏️ Collectors, Generators, and More! ⛏️
Take advantage of our innovative Item Collectors and Item Generators, allowing you to automate your resource collection and ensure maximum efficiency. With our advanced Ore Generators, watch your island flourish as rare ores and minerals sprout from the ground, boosting your progress to new heights.

🌌 Level Up Your Skyblock Experience 🌌
Reach new milestones and unlock exciting features as you progress through our Skyblock Levels system. With each level achieved, access unique perks, upgrades, and unlockables, making your island the envy of all others.

🌎 Explore Multiple Enchanting Locations 🌎
Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of our diverse Skyblock locations, meticulously enhanced with a range of custom features. Discover stunning landscapes, bustling marketplaces, and hidden secrets as you navigate through each captivating realm.

🛠️ Crafted from Scratch, Just for You 🛠️
Our server was meticulously built from the ground up, ensuring a seamless and optimized experience for every player. We've poured countless hours into perfecting every detail, resulting in a Skyblock server that stands above the rest.

🎉 Join Us Now and Unleash Your Skyblock Potential! 🎉
Whether you're a master builder, an intrepid explorer, or a cunning strategist, RaidenMC has something for everyone. Join our friendly and active community, compete in thrilling events, and forge lifelong friendships on your journey to becoming the ultimate champion!
