
Server Information
Address br.mcs.gg:19132
Hostname MineSuperior [1.21]
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 195 / 2500
Location United States of America
Version 1.21.60
Website https://store.minesuperior.net/
Registered by TitanicFreak
Registered since August 24th, 2023 09:08 PM EST
Last update June 13th, 2024 01:34 PM EST
Tag(s) Cross-Play Economy PvE PvP Skyblock SMP Survival Vanilla

Discord Server

Vote(s) 2415
Rank 37
Score 3807
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 1

About This Server

Discover MineSuperior – your ultimate 1.21 Minecraft: Java Edition destination, meticulously curated by a seasoned management team dedicated to crafting an unparalleled experience for all. Embark on an adventure through multiple dimensions: from the classic allure of ★ Survival ★, to the innovative challenges of ★ Skyblock ★, the adrenaline-pumping intensity of ★ Lifesteal ★, and the collaborative camaraderie of ★ Towny ★.

Immerse yourself in a dynamic realm that evolves with each passing moment, as our commitment to regular updates ensures a perpetually rejuvenated environment. However, this is not your ordinary realm; here, the boundaries of vanilla are transcended. Engage in thrilling encounters with custom-designed bosses, forge unbreakable bonds with upgradable pets, and test your mettle against waves of malevolent mobs in electrifying envoys, all for the chance to seize coveted prizes.

Join us at MineSuperior and experience Minecraft as it was meant to be – a canvas for boundless creativity and unforgettable adventures, all within a community that values your journey as much as you do. Your story starts here; where will it lead?