天堂之路の原味廚房-Road to heavan

Server Information
Address rth2.ddns.net:19140
Hostname 原味廚房
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 0 / 15
Location Taiwan
Version 1.21.3
Registered by redredroad
Registered since November 21st, 2023 09:48 AM EST
Last update July 20th, 2024 08:30 AM EST
Tag(s) PvE PvP Survival Vanilla

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 858
Score 3
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

此房有分流 有純原版(原味廚房) 有裝了傳送道具的原版(天堂之路) 也有RPG(冬詩、詛咒地牢)
沒有任何規矩 愛怎麼玩隨便你

*模組房若碰上模組道具英文 請到主選單將遊戲語言改為簡體再進入*


19132-空 目前無打算 若有想玩的模組類型可入群組DC推薦
19136-冬之紀行詩(大型RPG模組 詳細請自行谷歌)


This room has diversions, including pure original version, original version with gadgets installed, and RPG.
There are no rules, you can play however you like
Each room is equipped with minimal optimization plug-ins.
Basically there will be no changes other than game updates (until the original feeling is regained)

DC group: https://discord.gg/2smccrjN
Keep for seven days/update from time to time

19132-Empty, There are currently no plans. If you have a mods you want to play, you can join the group and DC recommends it.
19134-Road to Heavan (whitelist required/original version slightly modified)
19136-The Poetry Of Winter (large RPG module, please Google for details)
19138-Corsed Dungeon (same as above)
19140-Original Kitchen (yes, the original version)