
Server Information
Hostname YouWorld online
Status Checked 4 minutes ago / Online 11 days ago
Players 0 / 50
Location United States of America
Version 1.21.60
Registered by CooperFan
Registered since June 16th, 2024 10:22 AM EST
Last update June 17th, 2024 06:45 AM EST
Tag(s) Economy Lobby Minigames Parkour PvP Roleplay Skyblock Vanilla

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 907
Score 0
Favorited 1
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

This is a server created entirely from vanilla
and completely works with command blocks 🧐
No mods or plugins are used, purely minecraft.

It's a world where you can play whatever you want.
We offer different game modes that you can play in a group or alone!
You decide what to play in YouWorld!

- Gamemodes:
🏠~ YouTopia (a town where you can have a job, and earn money)
🏔️~ SkyBlock (Survive on an island)
🧩~ Plots (Create you're own buildings)*
⚔️~ PVP (to challenge your friends to see who is the strongest)
💀~ Deathrun (Walk through the corridors of death and do not fall into darkness)
🪓~ Murder Mystery (to eliminate the murder)
🎮~ BlockParty (coming soon)
🪁~ Minigames (to keep yourself busy earning coins)
= Dropper, Parkour, Slime Mine, Boat race
~.. and much more!

- We offer:
🧸~ Self-deciding fun
🏗️~ Unique buildings
⚔️~ Competitive PvP
💰~ Custom and balanced: Coins/money system
💚~ VIP ranks
⬆️~ Frequent Updates
🛒~ Shop your own items
🐈~ Pets
🛠️~ Good moderation