Gilded Nations

Server Information
Hostname Gilded Nations - Worldbuilding
Status Checked 2 minutes ago
Players 4 / 100
Location United States of America
Version 1.21.0
Registered by GoldenNooby
Registered since July 4th, 2024 06:22 AM EST
Last update July 4th, 2024 06:22 AM EST
Tag(s) Adventure Economy Factions PvE PvP Roleplay SMP

Discord Server

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Rank 802
Score 3
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Discussion(s) 0

About This Server
Gilded Nations [Worldbuilding] [Lands] [Dynmap] [1.20.4]
**Gilded Nations: Forge your own destiny**

Have you ever wanted to play as your own nation, with your very own character and forge relationships with other nations like you? You can do it in one Minecraft server, and all you need is either a Java or a Bedrock minecraft account! This is Gilded Nations, a Minecraft roleplay-focused worldbuilding server where you can engage in wars, forge alliances, form trade routes, mould your character and create towns and nations. Only you can alter this world's fate, wanderer!

**What is a Minecraft worldbuilding server?**

Worldbuilding Minecraft servers focus primarily on the development of fictional nations and characters alike. In this kind of servers, you create your own roleplaying character, you develop your town and/or nation and fight or ally others. Each player in these communities build parts of the world's lore to make history. The objective of worldbuilding is to re-create real-life history, just with your own twist!

**What features make Gilded Nations unique?**

➤ **Lands:** The most basic feature of Gilded Nations, which the majority of worldbuilding servers have. With this plugin, you can create your own land or join one. After meeting the requirements, you can officially create a nation and ally or rally against others! Furthermore, you can apply taxes to your citizens and manage their permissions/flags inside the land.

➤ **Dynmap: **An interactive map that allows you to see where each land is located and every biome in the server. There is one map for each dimension (overworld, nether and end) and three layers for each: A flat (2D) flayer, a surface (3D) layer and a cave layer. Every land has a different marker with their spawn location, and when you click in one of the land areas, you will be shown the land's balance, member list, and so on.

➤ **Brewery:** A plugin that allows players to brew alcoholic drinks and be drunk just like in real life. These brews are done through custom recipes by fermenting, distilling and aging your barrels. Each drink has a different side effect, from hangovers to staggerment.

➤ **Jobs:** Getting a job is the easiest way to earn money on the server. You can choose between six jobs: Builder, Miner, Woodcutter, Farmer, Fisherman and Hunter. Every day, you can complete up to 3 quests of a random difficulty. Each of these quests have a 50% chance of giving you a random Enchanted Book as a reward, so pick your job wisely!

➤ **ChestShops:** With this feature, you can idly earn income through shops where people can buy and sell items. These shops, as the name of the plugin indicates, are chests which contain the items inside of them.

➤ **Disabled Librarians:** To enhance the worldbuilding and to prevent players from getting overpowered too quickly, we introduced a feature that disables villager librarians entirely. Instead, as aforementioned, you can get these books through Jobs, but you can also get the books from other vanilla means like fishing or looting structures across the server.

**Server resources:**

➤ **Discord:** The social media we primarily use to communicate and attend support tickets to. You can talk about lore, stay tuned to staff announcements and map updates, make international announcements, advert your town and/or nation, and send tickets to staff support. Click here to enter!

➤ **FANDOM Wiki:** A Wikipedia-like site where the players can write and save their lore for others to read. You can show off your article, whether it may be for your own character, nation, town, religion, and so on. Click here to enter!


Gilded Nations is a worldbuilding server ran by and for the players. Don't hesitate to start your own nation or join an existing one, because you're tracing

If you have any questions about the server, comment down below or send a ticket through the Discord server! I personally hope you get to enjoy this experience!

**Java IP: **
Bedrock IP: ** Port: 25565