ChillSMP Survival
Server Information | |
Address | |
Hostname | ChillSMP |
Status | Checked 4 minutes ago |
Players | 50 / 1000 |
Location | United States of America |
Version | 1.21.60 |
Website | |
Registered by | chillsmp |
Registered since | November 12th, 2024 02:03 PM EST |
Last update | November 12th, 2024 04:15 PM EST |
Tag(s) | Cross-Play Earth Economy PvE PvP SMP Survival Vanilla |
Statistics | |
Uptime | |
Vote(s) | 3 |
Rank | 350 |
Score | 11 |
Favorited | 0 |
Discussion(s) | 0 |
About This Server
Welcome to ChillSMP. Our server has the friendliest community on Minecraft.
We're always innovating and pushing to improve, and all community feedback gets taken into account and implemented. If you the player wants something changed, added, or removed, we make it happen.
Join today to learn all about us!
If connecting on Bedrock Edition, or any version of the game that isn't java follow these instructions.
PORT: 19132
We're always innovating and pushing to improve, and all community feedback gets taken into account and implemented. If you the player wants something changed, added, or removed, we make it happen.
Join today to learn all about us!
If connecting on Bedrock Edition, or any version of the game that isn't java follow these instructions.
PORT: 19132