Charlesonia SMP

Server Information
Hostname Charlesonia SMP
Status Checked <1 minute ago
Players 3 / 100
Location United States of America
Version 1.21.62
Registered by Jaceh555
Registered since November 24th, 2024 02:45 PM EST
Last update November 24th, 2024 02:45 PM EST
Tag(s) Economy Factions Guns PvP Raiding Roleplay SMP Survival

Discord Server

Vote(s) 2
Rank 385
Score 7
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

What is This server?This series started in late December of 2018. Over the years the community has grown and the story of the server and it’s many seasons has grown very rich. You may not be able to tell from the stream but this server does not just consist of where I am, that being the faction called “Charlesonia” (est 2020). Over the past 2 years “factionalism” has taken hold of the server and many different groups,factions, nations, and empires have come and gone.

By joining and becoming a part of the community you are almost guaranteed to contribute to the story of the series with your own adventure. Whether you choose to be a cavalier focused on looting and killing anyone in your path, a bounty hunter tracking down wrongdoers, a senator for a large sectorial nation, a military commander, a Faction leader dead set to exert your will, a farmer just trying to make coins from each harvest, a soldier fighting for the glory of their faction, or maybe even just a wanderer, there really is no limit to what you can choose to do (unless it involves Hacking).

If you would like to create your own faction, which is the generalized term for all nations,empires,and things of that sort there is 0 set up required and you can start it whenever you like wherever you like (if it is on already claimed territory you will likely be killed by those inhabiting it). You can also very easily join most factions by simply asking either on discord or through the game itself.

due to the fact that the server is so old and has a history full of events it is not hard to find yourself coming across abandoned factions or battlefields we take a lot of pride in the fact that we have players from all over the world with a rich community of people from different religions and even languages. rest assured that you will be able to find a community to be a part of here.

Commonly asked questions:

how to Play this server?

-this server operates exactly like vanilla Minecraft, if you know how to play Minecraft just do the same thing on here. all that’s different is that we have some commands you can use and custom made items!!!

How to get money?

-there are a few ways to make money but the main ones are to sell to other players or go to a point of interest and be the closest person to the center pedistal 

My items despawned!!!

-no they didn’t, we actually have a system on the server that teleports all items to the “great dump“ at the cords 5000 5000 before they despawn, on top of this when you die your items are safely put into a “corpse“ and the cords are given to you in your chat  where is everyone?

you will spawn in what is referred to as “new spawn“ or ”s2 spawn“ in what are referred to as “new chunks“ which is everything between 8,000 8,000 and 10,000 10,000, to find people just ask in chat where they are and if a mod is on you can ask for one teleport to any player you want.

How do I join a faction?

just ask the owner of the faction if you can join, that’s all you have to do.

how do I make a faction?

just go out into the vastness of the world and do it, we have no set in stone system for it, a good start would be claiming some land and finding some friends though.

how do I make a claim?

use !claim or !menu to open the claim menus, you can also view a map of chunks claimed around you with !menu

What do I get when I start?

upon starting you will receive $3,000 which can be used to buy your first claim or buy some items at the large shop at new spawn to help you get started, you will also be unkillable for your first hour of gameplay!!