
Server Information
Address zerix.ml:19132
Hostname V6 incoming...
Status Checked 2 minutes ago / Online 2 days ago
Players 0 / 2
Location Italy
Version 1.21.0
Website https://zerix.ml
Registered by HeXeR_MC
Registered since July 22nd, 2020 06:30 PM EST
Last update January 31st, 2023 06:16 PM EST
Tag(s) Economy Factions Minigames Prison PvP VoteReward Xbox Account

Discord Server

Vote(s) 32
Rank 267
Score 44
Favorited 4
Discussion(s) 2

About This Server

Hello player, let me introduce you to Zerix,
one of the oldest minecraft pocket edition pvp server.

⚔️ FFA Modes:
- Fist
- Gapple
- Sumo
- Domain (Exclusive)
- Resistance
- Combo
- NoDebuff

🗡️ Duel Modes:
- Fist
- Gapple
- Combo
- NoDebuff
- Sumo
- Boxing
- BuildUHC

🔥 Events:
- Tournaments
- Meetups
- Mini Battles
- ManHunts

⭐️ Features:
- ToggleSprint
- AutoGG
- Cosmetics
- Pets

👥 Join Our Community:
Telegram: https://t.me/ZerixServer
Discord: https://zerix.ml/discord
Email : help.zerix@gmail.com

❤️ Support us:
Shop: https://zerix.ml/shop
Vote: https://zerix.ml/vote

🧡 Join Now!
IP : zerix.ml
Port : 19132