
Server Information
Address unrealtactical.com
Hostname UnrealTactical Network
Status Checked 5 minutes ago
Players 10 / 1000
Location Canada
Version 1.21.2
Website https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvQ6SLBfeclQq3j3BMgDQLQ
Registered by coolgunner
Registered since June 5th, 2021 06:38 PM EST
Last update June 22nd, 2024 04:33 PM EST
Tag(s) Cross-Play Economy Guns PvE PvP Skyblock Skywars Survival

Discord Server

Vote(s) 162
Rank 155
Score 258
Favorited 4
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

This Is The Official Server Of The Youtuber CoolGunner. UnrealTactical Is Back In Full Strenght As A Part Of The MC Server Network.
UnrealTactical Also Has Unofficial Support For Bedrock Clients!!!!!
**Please Note: Bedrock Clients Must Use Port 19132**
Currently Is Hosts:
- Survial
Survival Has Skills And Flytime And Vote Keys And Playershops And More To Come
Also Has A Amazing Community We Are Friendly And Welcome
We Also Have A Discord Where We Chat In Daily And Also Chat In VC Daily With All Players
We Also Have A Channel In Discord Where You Can Chat With Players Ingame From Discord

Coming Soon:
- Prison
- Kitpvp
- Factions
- More Comming Soon