Lifeblock Network

Server Information
Hostname  Lifeblock Network 
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 4 / 5
Location United States of America
Version 1.20.81
Registered by TuEGIx5ucht1x
Registered since February 1st, 2022 02:48 PM EST
Last update May 18th, 2024 04:55 PM EST
Tag(s) Economy Guns LifeSteal Prison PvE PvP Roleplay SMP

Discord Server

Vote(s) 139
Rank 163
Score 232
Favorited 9
Discussion(s) 2

About This Server

Lifeblock Network
We are a Minecraft Bedrock Edition Network featuring our newly released gamemode Apocalypse and Prisons!

Lifeblock Apocalypse
» Fully Custom Made Gamemode
» 3D Weapons/Animations
» Unique Level Mechanic
» Challenging PvE Mobs
» PvP Features
» Bosses
» Skins
» Economy (Including An Exciting Playershop System)
» Daily Rewards
» Survival Gameplay
» Challenges
» Resources/Crafting
» Clans
» Multiple Language Support
» Secrets
» Much More!

Lifeblock Prisons
» Custom Crafting
» Plots
» Chestshops
» Over 50 Mines
» Crates
» Black Market
» Quests
» Gambling
» Much More!

Why choose us?
We have a high experience in hosting Minecraft projects since over a decade now.
Frequent updates both ingame and to our Network.
Well organized Support.
Helpful Community.

Join us now and see for yourself: