
Server Information
Address hesu.org:19132
Hostname » Hesu! «
Status Checked 3 minutes ago
Players 65 / 300
Location United States of America
Version 1.21.2
Website https://hesu.org/store
Registered by Wex
Registered since December 9th, 2023 07:55 PM EST
Last update January 6th, 2024 11:52 AM EST
Tag(s) Knockbackffa Lobby PvP Spleef VoteReward Xbox Account

Discord Server

Vote(s) 338
Rank 113
Score 537
Favorited 2
Discussion(s) 2

About This Server

Hesu is the next-gen PvP Practice network.

We're available on Windows, iOS, Android, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch and more!

We offer 3 regions for you to get the best connectivity possible; Europe, North America & Asia.

We are also official discord partners! Join our discord server at https://discord.gg/hesu

Frequently asked questions:

How to join the server?
Simply start Minecraft and add a new server with the following IP & port: hesu.org (Port: 19132)

What are the benefits of voting?
You may vote everyday to get a FREE Voter rank aswell as 300 tokens that can be spent on a cosmetic box.

How to purchase a rank?
Head over to https://hesu.org/store and purchase any packages that you'd like.

Server Video