Euphoria Skyblock + BR2023 SMP Now Open

Euphoria Skyblock + BR2023 SMP Now Open
Server Information
Hostname EuphHUB
Status Checked 1 minute ago
Players 0 / 70
Location United States of America
Version 1.20.30
Registered by Sallaf
Registered since February 28th, 2019 05:56 PM EST
Last update June 11th, 2023 07:04 AM EST
Tag(s) Prison PvP Realms Skyblock Survival Vanilla VoteReward

Discord Server

Vote(s) 0
Rank 416
Score 6
Favorited 104
Discussion(s) 75

About This Server

June Update:

We're having to rebuild our skyblock and hub servers as time allows. For now, the SMP is open by joining directly at 54388. Thanks for the patience!

Vote everyday for a month and receive CyanWarrior for free. This is yours forever.

The 2nd month that you vote the full month, you’ll receive CyanKnight for free.

The 3rd month that you vote the full month, you’ll receive CyanGod for free. In order to keep CyanKnight or CyanGod for free, you must continue to vote the full month. At anytime you can pay for either rank with the appropriate discount and keep it forever. Otherwise you’ll be ranked down one rank at a time until you reach CyanWarrior again.

CyanGod’s get 15 mystery crates for being a top voter.

These rules are for Cyan Skyblock. Prison rules are similar (the prison server is in the middle of a very large update and reset).

Hub (parkour for fun) 19132

Cyan Skyblock---> (many custom features, items, plugins, etc) 19154 (Currently under a rebuild)

BR2023 BR/PC SMP 54388

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0 / 50 PvP Skyblock